Thursday, August 2, 2012


Change is not something I'm fond of. Right now there is so much change that it is hard to breathe sometimes. Today while having some quiet time I desperately felt the need for something familiar. After tearing into the closest media rate box, I came upon my copy of Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost for His Highest." Ah, an old friend was found! I smiled and shed half a tear when I ready the entry for today:

"The strain of life is what builds our strength. If there is no strain, there will be no strength. Are you asking God to give you life, liberty, and joy? He cannot, unless you are willing to accept the strain. And once you face the strain, you will immediately get the strength. Overcome your own timidity and take the first step. Then God will give you nourishment."

So I continue to pray about stuff as I work on settling in, soaking up the joyous moments to hang onto during the tougher ones. And look! Most of my boxes have been unpacked now : )


  1. Jen....I'm so very much enjoying reading your blog again and following your new adventures in your new life.....I also DO NOT like change very much so I'm praying extra hard for you and the extraordinary dose of it you're dealing with right now....hang in there...someday you'll look back on it all and have some great memories to share with your kids!

  2. yeah!!! now we can read separately together!
