Saturday, August 18, 2012


Yesterday was our "monthiversary." Hard to believe that it has been a month since the wedding. Time flies! We spent the morning working on the backyard. Took a kayak trip down the bay. Went out to dinner, and ate a frog leg. Trying to make the most of my southern experience, I guess. Peter laughed when I said that the taste jumped back and forth between fish and chicken. Not something I need to eat again. : )


  1. You've become really good at trying new foods! Good for you.
    I tried frog legs once and I'm with you.....once was enough.

  2. the taste jumped.... funny! That happens when Bazooka is pinning down toads too!

  3. I used to go w/my grandpa and hunt frongs and then eat them. Didn't prepare them thank goodness. I always thought they tasted like chicken but maybe he prepared it that way.
